Saturday, 28 May 2011

Festival Style and Awesome Jumpers

£19.00 Phix Clothing £18.00 LittleWoods

Big Wooly Jumper with three feathers, denim shorts and hunter wellies.
This week I've been doing my work experience in Corgi Hosiery. I sat for most of the week cutting jumpers but then that's all that's been going through my head is jumper, jumper, jumper, jumper. It's getting closer to summer but I can't help obsessing over those multicolored vintage woolen jumpers, the sort you get at Christmas. They're adorable! I want one. There's nothing better than a nice big comfy jumper. The Jumpers also remind me of festivals that's why I made this design of my perfect jumper. I love festival fashion, the straw hats, wellingtons, ponchos, head bands, and vibrant color. I need to go to a Festival now! I can't contain myself anymore.                                                                                                          
If there's one person you're going to take festival
 fashion advice from it's Alexa Chung.
Hunter Wellingtons £41.99



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